Saturday, February 22, 2014

Thing 3 Google Search

I  love Google Search.  I had heard of Google Search, but I really did not see the need. I am able to find anything I need on the old Yahoo or Google. I decided to give the app a try. Last Thursday,(22nd) was a huge storm day. I played all morning asking for information on the road conditions. It was very interesting to see the different results depending on the way the question was asked.

I love the cards. I basically have three calendars  (crazy) . One calendar is a google calendar shared with my daughter so she can check my availability for babysitting. Another, is a pen and paper one to have when I am somewhere and I am asked to babysit or  to sub. The third calendar is the calendar on my iPad that appears when I check notifications. Obviously, the three are not always up to date. So after a little configuring I was able to merge my two digital calendars. Since I do not carry my iPad with me everywhere I will still need two, but having one digital  calendar shared with my daughter and quickly available is great.

The photo card accessed the Picasa site that I used years ago. I had forgotten about it. I am not sure what I would use it for at this time. I have photos on Flickr, my iPad and computer, so I do not need another place.

I did have fun exploring all of the resources. I can see the advantage of using Google Search especially if I am not sure of the correct spelling of my search subject.:).

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